Friday, December 16, 2005


So you're a guy and you have a girlfriend in high school. You're close. More than that, you're friends. You sincerely have a good time together. It's not just sex by any means.

Eventually you break up, although remaining on friendly terms. You keep in touch for years. She attends your weddings. She tells you about some of her serious boyfriends. Eventually you drift a little bit away from each other, though.

Then one day she calls you. Your wife is at the store.

You have a fun conversation, full of laughter and inside jokes. You promise to meet. As your wife comes inside, you say, tenderly, "'Bye." You hang up.

"Who was it, honey?" says your wife.

Now what do you say?

Calling her an ex-girlfriend would prompt suspicion. Calling her a friend would prompt even more suspicion, if your wife were to find out about your past. She seemed accepting enough when you talked about your ex before, but a furtive phone conversation would certainly seem awkward in that light.

A name certainly won't suffice, and the whole convoluted story might not be plausible, even though it's true.

So what do you say?

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