Friday, November 28, 2008

The Lion Tamer

Yeah, her fur like bloody saffron.
At least she ain't got a mane.
The girls are fiestier, though,
got more bite in em. More bitter.

Hello, how's it going? No, stay, she won't bite my hand.
I know how to deal with these. You get em
up against the walls, corner em,
make em feel scared.

Yeah, look, see-- that's how you do it.
Like you're Dole and they're goddam
pineapples in a can.


Anonymous said...

More like you're Dole and they're a bunch of Hawaiian natives.

Sophia said...

lol @ the above comment.

I know i wasn't supposed to find this poem humorous, but I did.


jereme said...

i would rather let the lion destroy me and be free.

it would be a good death.

i liked this poem.